Are you searching for recipes Cranberry Apple Sauce, each of our site provides recipes Cranberry Apple Sauce that a person need Listed below are the quality recipes Cranberry Apple Sauce of which you need
Cranberry Apple Sauce |
"A good cranberry sauce for those who are avoiding a lot of sugar, which is usually abundant in cranberry sauces. Originally submitted to "
Ingredients :
- 12 ounces cranberries
- 6 ounces unsweetened apple juice concentrate
Instructions :
Prep : | Cook : 16M | Ready in : |
- In a saucepan cook cranberries and apple juice concentrate over medium heat until cranberries have burst. Chill and serve. You may also add some white sugar if the recipe isn't sweet enough for you. Only add the extra sugar one tablespoon at a time to avoid over sweetening.
Notes :
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