Sea Foam Frosting Tasty Recipes

Looking for recipes Sea Foam Frosting, the site provides recipes Sea Foam Frosting that a person need Listed below are the quality recipes Sea Foam Frosting of which you need

Sea Foam Frosting

"Gooey meringue frosting that is great on spice cakes."

Ingredients :

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 1/2 cups dark brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Instructions :

Prep : Cook : 12M Ready in :
  • Stir the unbeaten egg whites, sugar and water together in the top of a double boiler. Cook over briskly boiling water, beating with a rotary beater for 7 minutes or until frosting looks fluffy and holds a soft, gentle shape.
  • Remove from boiling water, add vanilla extract and continue beating until frosting holds definite peaks.
  • Spread between layers of cake and then frost the sides and top.

Notes :

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